Source code for ctaplot.plots.grid

Gridded plots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .plots import plot_binned_stat

__all__ = ['plot_binned_stat_grid']

[docs]def plot_binned_stat_grid(data, x_col, n_cols=4, **binned_stat_args): """ Make a figure with a grid of binned stat plots. All variable in `data` are plotted versus the `x_col` variable. Parameters ---------- data: `pandas.dataframe` x_col: str name of the column in the data to consider as X variable. n_col: int number of columns in the plot grid. The number of rows in determined automatically. binned_stat_args: args for `ctaplot.plot.plot_binned_stat` Returns ------- `matplotlib.figure.Figure` """ n = len(data.columns) n_rows = n // n_cols + 1 * (n % n_cols > 0) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_rows, ncols=n_cols, figsize=(20, 20 * 0.66 * (n_rows / n_cols)), sharex=False) raxes = axes.ravel() cols = list(data.columns) cols.remove(x_col) # no need to plot x_col versus itself if 'statistic' not in binned_stat_args: binned_stat_args['statistic'] = 'mean' for ii, k in enumerate(cols): ax = raxes[ii] plot_binned_stat(data[x_col], data[k], ax=ax, **binned_stat_args, ) ax.set_title(f'{k}', fontsize=15) ax.grid('on') for ii in range(len(cols), len(axes.ravel())): raxes[ii].remove() fig.suptitle(rf"{binned_stat_args['statistic']} as a function of {x_col}", fontsize=20, y=1.02) fig.tight_layout() return fig